Our Holy Redeemer Church — Our Lady of Pentecost Catholic Parish

Our Holy Redeemer Church

Surrey Hills

4 Barton Street, Surrey Hills, Victoria, 3127

Mass Times

  • Saturday Vigil 6.00 pm
  • Sunday Mass 10.30 am



In 1901, Fr George Robinson, Parish Priest of Camberwell purchased the present site of Our Holy Redeemer Church, Surrey Hills, which at the time came within the Camberwell Parish.  On 11 May 1902, the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer (the original title of the church) was blessed and opened by Archbishop Thomas Carr, Archbishop of Melbourne.  Read more…

Patron Saint

Each year, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year.  This is also the feast day of Our Holy Redeemer Church.

Although Christ has always been recognised by the Catholic Church as the King of Kings, the Feast of Christ the King did not receive official recognition until it was instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. It was celebrated in October but after the Second Vatican Council, the feast was moved to the last Sunday of the Church’s liturgical calendar. The change was made to emphasise that Christ will reveal to humankind the fullness of his glory as King only at the end of time.

Icon of the Holy Redeemer

Geoff Horgan was commissioned to paint the icon of the Holy Redeemer in 2019 by Fr Mark Reynolds, who was Parish Priest at the time.  The icon is a full length image of Christ the Redeemer with arms outstretched embracing the viewer.

The image is painted on gesso (plaster) on a wooden base. The technique used is called egg tempera, that is, the paint applied being a mixture of dry colour pigment, egg yolk and water.  The egg tempera technique is very old and dates from the first centuries AD. It was the standard European painting technique well into the Renaissance. For example, Botticelli’s Birth of Venus is painted in the egg tempera technique. Oil paint gradually replaced egg tempera from the 1500’s. The background is pure gold leaf applied using an oil size.

There are four symbols of the Evangelists around the central figure of Christ; the angel is St Matthew, the lion is St Mark, the eagle is St John and the ox St is Luke. The images come from the biblical books of Ezekiel and Revelations.

Parish School

Our Holy Redeemer School, Surrey Hills, was established over 100 years ago by the Sisters of St Joseph. The first lay principal was appointed in the late 1970s.

The school continues to operate as an integral part of the Surrey Hills Wattle Park Parish.  It is a community rich in diversity and welcoming to all.  There is considerable parent involvement in the school through fundraising, social events and parental involvement in the classrooms. The school’s website provides further information about this welcoming community.

Parish Priests at Our Holy Redeemer

1911-1933 Fr David Gleeson
1933-1941 Dr W. M. Collins
1941-1972 Fr Tim Fitzpatrick
1972-1976 Mons Kevin Toomey
1976-1987 Fr Michael Burke
1987-1998 Fr John Brosnan
1998-2005 Fr Peter Priestley
2005-2010 Dr Anthony Hicks
2011-2017 Fr John Dowling
2017-2020 Fr Mark Reynolds
2020-2024 Fr Brendan Reed (Our Lady of Pentecost Parish in October 2024)
2024-continuing Fr Sang Ho (Our Lady of Pentecost Parish)